set term postscript enhanced colour set style line 5 lt 4 lw 2 TMIN=0 TMAX=700 tmin=1 tmax=1e10 MS=120 BS=350 set yrange[TMIN:TMAX] set xrange[tmin:tmax] set logscale x set xlabel "Time / s" set ylabel "Temperature / ^{o}C" DT=(TMAX-TMIN)/100 set label 1 "BS" at first 5, first BS+2*DT set label 2 "MS" at first 5, first MS+2*DT set label 3 "Ferrite or Pearlite" at graph 0.7, 0.75 set label 4 "Bainite" at graph 0.55,0.4 set label 5 "Martensite" at graph 0.25,0.1 # set label 6 "350 ^{o}C\n2 h" at graph 0.83,-0.15 rotate # set label 7 "500 ^{o}C\n3 h" at graph 0.98,-0.15 rotate # # Using title here will override the default title by # gnuplot which is the data file itself # #draws straight lines at Ms and Bs temperatures (experimental results) set arrow from 1,MS to 2e8,MS nohead ls 5 set arrow from 120,350 to 1e10,350 nohead #plots data from mucg73 predictions, and also experimental data plot 'aus1-mucg-m' using 15:($4MS ? $4 : 1/0) title "Shear products start time" w l,\ 'aus1-mucg-m' using 16:($4>BS ? $4 : 1/0) title "Diffusional products start time" w l #, \ #'experimental' using 2:1 title "ts", \ #'experimental' using 3:1 title "tf"