# Gnuplot script to generate TTT diagram using mucg73 data # Use is ""gnuplot plot_TTT > out.ps"" on command line # Based on plot template by Ananth # # set term postscript enh "Helvetica" 24 #set nokey # # This sets the border of the graph itself # The lines x and y axis, x2 and y2 axis # thickness can be changed like this # set border -1 lw 3 #### to set the size of the graph # set size ratio 0.5 #### set line style #Removed because line style command has changed for version 4 of gnuplot #set ls 1 lt 1 lw 2 pt 1 ps 1 #set ls 2 lt 2 lw 2 pt 1 ps 1 #set ls 3 lt 1 lw 2 pt 5 ps 1.5 #set ls 4 lt 2 lw 2 pt 4 ps 1.5 #### increase error bars tics #set bar 2 #show bar #### put minor tics #set mxtics 4 set nomxtics set nomytics # Removing the label beside the tics for each axis # %g is normal, %e sets exponential format # %0.1e means to 1 decimal place in exponential format # #set format y " " #set format x " " #### to put grid lines and also on the minor axis tics #set grid mxtics 2 lw .1 ### rotate the xlabel #set xtics rotate 4 ### set title atrequired place ### #set title "g -> d" 9,-3 "Symbol, 30" set title "Aus 1 TTT" set yrange[0:700] set xrange[1:1e10] #set xtics 0.2 set logscale x set xlabel "Time / s" set ylabel "Temperature / ^{o}C" # # To put labels at desired places - Not used # # set label 1 "WQ" at graph 0,-0.09 rotate # set label 2 "100 ^{o}C\n15 min" at graph 0.14,-0.15 rotate # set label 3 "200 ^{o}C\n15 min" at graph 0.32,-0.15 rotate # set label 4 "250 ^{o}C\n15 min" at graph 0.47,-0.15 rotate # set label 5 "350 ^{o}C\n1 h" at graph 0.65,-0.15 rotate # set label 6 "350 ^{o}C\n2 h" at graph 0.83,-0.15 rotate # set label 7 "500 ^{o}C\n3 h" at graph 0.98,-0.15 rotate # # Using title here will override the default title by # gnuplot which is the data file itself # #draws straight lines at Ms and Bs temperatures (experimental results) set arrow from 1,120 to 2e8,120 nohead set arrow from 120,350 to 1e10,350 nohead #plots data from mucg73 predictions, and also experimental data #plot 'aus1-mucg-m' using 15:($4<360 && $4>110 ? $4 : 1/0) title "Shear" w l ls 1, 'aus1-mucg-m' using 16:($4>325 ? $4 : 1/0) title "Diff" w l ls 2, 'experimental' using 2:1 title "ts" ls 3, 'experimental' using 3:1 title "tf" ls 4 plot 'aus1-mucg-m' using 15:($4<360 && $4>110 ? $4 : 1/0) title "Shear" w l, \ 'aus1-mucg-m' using 16:($4>325 ? $4 : 1/0) title "Diff" w l, \ 'experimental' using 2:1 title "ts", \ 'experimental' using 3:1 title "tf"